Customized Research. Blue Compass can build a methodology to meet your organization’s specific needs. By bringing together a comprehensive array of analysts, data, and institutional expertise, our custom research reports can provide the foundation for your organization’s political, issue advocacy, and accountability campaigns. From issue and electoral analysis to data and targeting, our team will quickly provide you with the analysis you need for successful campaigns. 

Opposition Research. Our team has years of experience providing clients with the research they need to run successful campaigns targeting individuals, candidates, or organizations to meet your goals. Blue Compass conducts in-depth research on key targets to identify vulnerabilities and pressure points that can help inform the foundation and tactics of your campaign.

Media Monitoring. Blue Compass understands the important role media coverage can play in any campaign. Today’s news cycles turn over with ever-increasing frequency, and it can be overwhelming to sort through. Blue Compass can help your organization by providing a daily or weekly digest on the issues or candidates your campaign is seeking to track. Our comprehensive and succinct clips reports will save you time and money, and help you make informed decisions during your busiest times.

Strategic Campaign Plans. Blue Compass Strategies will quickly produce state reports that inform clients about the overall political landscape in any given state and provide insights on key constituencies. Based on the needs of your campaign, our reports can be tailored to include data and analysis on the state’s political outlook and electoral history, demographic analysis (including trends and targeting of key voting blocs), geographic analysis (where the votes are), key contacts in state (including reporters, consultants, etc.), and campaign spending (including on broadcast media), as well as an overview of the state’s election laws and a look at the top issues resonating with voters. Our regional political experts are continuously providing analysis for our clients to ensure that they are completely up-to-date on the ever-changing political landscape.

Power Mapping Reports. Power mapping reports are designed to help your organization effectively persuade a given target (elected officials, legislative staff, lobbyists/consultants, etc.). Based on your needs, Blue Compass can produce actionable and in-depth reports on the targets you are seeking to persuade or engage. Our team will identify the primary allies, interest groups, and key influencers for your targets.

Rapid Response. Timing is everything. When a story breaks, accurate and timely intelligence is the key to a successful communications strategy. Blue Compass Strategies will provide you with proactive and reactive research so you can get the most out of every critical messaging opportunity. We will help you stay ahead of the game and turn knowledge into action.